Dream ~ Vision ~ Goals

Do you have a dream? 

Really a dream, something that you so, so, so, hope to achieve or have or do.

Check out this short video on why vision brings success!!

Keep your vision alive! One way to bring your vision to life is to make a vision board. This is simply a visual representation of what you would like to have, become or do as you continue on your journey.

You can get some great ideas for vision boards on sites such as Pinterest or Google searches. Go through magazines, tear out photos and phrases you like. Don't overthink it!

The goal is to create YOUR vision of success. What does it look like to you?

Have a Fabulous Day,

Sherri Shepard,
The TRU H.I.P. Life
Hope, Inspiration and a Plan to a Healthier and Happier Future

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Dream Vision Goals

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