Breaking through a weightloss plateau

5 Tips to break through a plateau.

There have been a few times on my weight-loss journey where I ran into a "plateau." 
Here are a couple things you need to know! First of all, what looks like a stall in your weight-loss progress is actually your body #healing and adjusting to its new way of life. 
Change is happening you just don't see it on the scale. Focus on #wellness FIRST! A healthy balanced body will naturally lose weight. 

1. Adjust your calorie intake. 
Many times you may need to eat more. Just different types of food. I eat 6 times a day. If it comes from the earth and is alive...EAT IT!

2. Increase muscle and reduce inflammation. 
Get those weights on! Muscle burns fat! The more you increase it the more fat you burn even just while remaining sedentary. GET the #TruFixandTruControl

3. Eat more protein!! 
Protein has the highest thermic effect of food, meaning eating protein burns more calories during digestion. Protein also contains an amino acid, leucine, that numerous research studies have identified as a potent catalyst for burning body fat. GET #ReplaceProteinDrink

4. Sleep 
A full night’s sleep is vital to losing body fat because it resets your hormones. Even a little sleep deprivation can lead to increased cortisol, a stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to body fat accumulation around the midsection. I have written another blog post on Cortisol levels and stress if you would like to learn more.

5. Patience
Don't get impatient or frustrated. Keep moving forward. Stress only increases the problem. Focus on the GOAL!  your body is healing at each stage of your weight loss and wellness journey.


Have a Fabulous Day,

Sherri Shepard,
The TRU H.I.P. Life
Hope, Inspiration and a Plan to a Healthier and Happier Future
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5 Tips to break through a plateau

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