Where my story starts.

I have decided to start this blog because I see so many people around me struggling and it breaks my heart that it seems so many are without hope.  Stressed, overworked, frazzled seems to be the name of the game.  Ask anyone how they are doing and what will they say? "Oh, fine. Busy, but fine."  Sigh, Fine?  Is that how life is treating you?  Just fine. Is that the truth?
Well I for one don't want to be just fine. In fact I am sick and tired of "fine". I want to be GREAT. I want to look great, feel great, and be great.
For me I can 100 percent say, I'm better and I am pushing towards great.

This is where my story starts. A few years ago I was not better, I was terrible. In fact I was like somewhere way below terrible.
A few years ago I had hit the end of my rope. I was not well, to say the least. A car accident many years ago left me with many fractured bones, brain trauma, severe internal injuries and on and on. I was minutes from losing my life in that accident. To anyone that has almost lost their life, you realize something don't you? You realize that life is precious, valuable. We are not meant to go back and forth to work everyday in a fog of "just fine".

As the years have gone by, the after effects of that accident had caught up with me and I did not feel well at all. To top it off where we lived in Minnesota was the epicenter of where people contract Lyme disease and other co-infections from the nasty little tick that carries this disease. Sadly this was added to the list of things that left me feeling like I may not be able to get out of bed one more day.

A friend reached out to me and said she had heard I wasn't doing so well and she thought possibly the supplements that she was taking could help me. "Hmm, I will look into it." I said. Of course they were more money than I wanted to spend so I let the idea go. Eight months later I was willing to spend any amount of money to feel better. Barely able to get out of bed each day, because I was so miserable, I searched out these amazing supplements my friend referred to and started taking them as prescribed. Within days I was feeling so much better. Within months I was pounds lighter and sharing my happy story with anyone that would listen. I felt so great I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. 

Oh but wait, this is not where my happy story ends. 

No, I do not skip off into the sunset happily ever after. Nope. What happened instead was about 6 months after I started taking all these pills and drinks that helped me on a path to health the company suddenly changed their formula. The new formula was similar, I however was worried. Was this the same but better, or was it different? People talked about it like it was the same but better. But, alas, it was not the same. Me and many others I have since learned gained weight back and started to revert to how we felt before finding our favorite "Original drink". This new drink, in fact, was completely different. Although great for some things, it was not what some needed. It in fact was quite dangerous for some because it was not helping to balance the body the way some needed.

Then not too long ago I saw a Facebook post, it turns out a friend had found our "Original drink" with a few updates at another company. This time it really was the Original but better. Say What? I need some, NOW! I immediately reached out to find out how I could try some out. I didn't even bother with samples, I ordered immediately and before you knew it I was 14 lbs lighter and feeling better again.

It is now my new mission in life to empower as many women as I can to find their health and wellness, just as I am. Believe me I know how hard it is. I know even with the help of some amazing supplements it can be difficult. Changing old habits is difficult. I am here to help. It is so worth it. My biggest regret is waiting so long to find the answers the first time around. I missed out on years of my life because I did not feel well enough to participate. Who knew that just a few changes could make all the difference. I am so thankful that I now get a third chance at being my best. It takes a lot of courage to reach out and try one more thing. But trust me you can do it, and it is so worth it.

Have a Fabulous Day,

Sherri Shepard,
Hope, Inspiration and a Plan to a Healthier and Happier Future

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P.S. Don't forget to pick up a copy of my Habit Hacker!! It's over in the side bar.